Minot Lighthouse
Understanding the history of the North Scituate Beach Improvement Association begins with the recognition that the power of both the Atlantic and of uncontrolled growth must be countered if the beauty and rich experience of a neighborhood such as ours is to be preserved.
Our founders first realized this over a century ago as they watched a one-time rural village transform itself into a summer resort community just as a series of particularly powerful winter storms wrought havoc with the then-unprotected shoreline we know today as North Scituate Beach.
Their earliest efforts produced the first of many protective sea walls and secured such basic amenities as roads, sidewalks, and electric streetlights. Until the streets were paved, they also took it upon themselves to have the dirt roads watered and oiled to minimize dust on hot summer days.
Their testimonials of the then rural character of this area speak to a different time when a seemingly simple journey to North Scituate by horse and buggy involved stopping to clear and then replace the bars of gateposts dozens of times. Today, their legacies live on as many of our street names.
In the intervening years, the NSBIA has worked to effectively discourage the types of commercial enterprises that have diminished the appeal of other seaside resort towns throughout the region.
Today, the Association is best known to its membership through the series of seasonal events we sponsor including our June Progressive Dinner, our 4th of July festivities, our August Luminaria and our Octoberfest celebration.
We still work to beautify the beach and where possible secure funding to prevent further beach erosion. We also serve as an informational resource for town-related issues that have a direct impact on our neighborhood’s quality of life.